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Introducing: How to Be More Successful in Business With Prayer

An eye-opening read that reveals the power of prayer and how it can help you achieve true success…

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This enlightening prayer book will guide you through your own personalized prayer journey

Who should read this book?

  • Those who believe in G-d but have never sought his help for business or career success
  • Those who pray regularly but don’t see positive results in their professional lives
  • Those who have failed to achieve success despite their continuous hard work.

G-d can help you achieve anything you set your mind to …for he is the All-Powerful, Almighty One

This book will help you ignite - or reignite - a powerful connection with G-d. A connection that will prove to be invaluable in terms of realizing your own success.

While this prayer book is predominately for believers, it is also for those who are looking to discover the power of G-d. It can either be used to commence a new journey or revive a dwindling connection.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4

Author, Josh Galusher will teach you how to ask for G-d’s help to achieve more success in your career or business.

Through his guidance, you’ll learn how to:

  • Strengthen your connection with G-d through daily prayers
  • embrace the power of G-d.
  • start achieving all that you want in life, all while becoming happier, and a more spiritual person.

You will be empowered through prayer. You will learn how to take control of your life. And you will feel you can achieve anything when the Lord is accompanying you every step of the way.

Skills, talents, and techniques alone aren’t enough to achieve true success

Talent and skills will only get you so far.
True success is rarely achieved on its own.
Often talented people plateau, and hard workers burn out long before they've reached their goals

What’s the secret to success then? There’s no simple answer.

Success is reliant on the will of G-d. To acknowledge this connection is the true secret.

If you’re struggling to land a job or to move to a higher position, it’s because of G-d’s will, not your skills or talent.

Everything you have and you will have depends on G-d.

He decides what kind of career or business you have and how successful you can be… for He is the source of all things.

That’s why your abilities alone aren’t enough to achieve the success you want. You might make some progress, but you won’t experience breakthrough success.

You don’t need new skills. You don’t need new techniques. You don’t need to awaken the giant within you.

You need to connect with G-d.

Ask for His support to achieve all your goals, dreams, and desires.

That is the true way to achieve success.

“I Pray Day & Night, But My Life Is The Same…”

You’re not alone.

Many people think their prayers will magically bring miracles that transform their life overnight, but that won’t happen.

G-d is your partner and NOT your employee.

You can’t simply pray and wait for a miracle. You still must do the effort to create the success you want.

“So what’s the point of praying?” you might ask.

You’ll find the answer to that question at the beginning of this book.

You’ll discover how prayers can change you into a person who has all it takes to achieve multiple successes in life, and reach the seemingly unachievable things.

…And more importantly, you’ll learn how this will apply to your professional life.

So don’t read this book with the expectation that you can create your success without any effort because G-d will simply give you a miracle.

This book aims to achieve success with His support by making praying a part of your professional life.

What you can expect to learn…

  • Debunking the two misconceptions that prevent success
    Discover why success is less about how talented you are, but more about your connection with the Creator… and how G-d actually gives everyone the same opportunity to succeed, regardless of their backgrounds.
  • Discover how prayers make you unstoppable
    If you pray every day, you can obtain anything you need to accomplish all the goals you want to achieve in your career or business. It can transform you into a brand new person with winning traits that create a lifetime of success.
  • 4 different ways to speak with our Lord
    There are no rules. But what we consider as praying—communicating our thoughts, needs, and desires to Him—is not the only way to communicate with Him. There are 4 other different ways to do that. Knowing them all allows you to communicate with him more frequently, which will improve your relationship with Him.
  • Prayer is a powerful tool—you must learn how to use it effectively
    Prayer is a powerful tool for executives and business owners who want to achieve more in their limited time. But just like other powerful tools, there are things you must know to get the most out of them. The 4th chapter of this book shows you the 9 key principles of praying to unblock the heavenly channels that will make good things happen in your life.
  • What to say while praying for your career or business
    Discover 30+ prayer models for career and business that will help you know exactly what to say when you’re praying for your success. You’ll not learn specific wording for your prayer as it should be written by you. What you’ll learn in this chapter is plenty of prayer ideas to help you create your own prayers based on your unique needs and goals.

…PLUS, you’ll also get additional materials to help you with your prayer journey

The 7-Step Prayer Process

The author has prepared an easy-to-follow 7-step cyclical process to help you prepare and say your first business prayer. It’s like a business plan, but for prayers.

It may take some time for you to go through each of all the seven steps. But once you’ve gone through all the steps, you’ll make praying your habit, so you’ll never spend a day away from the Lord. And thus, the Lord will always be on your side, accompanying you on your journey to success.

Appendix Of Prayers

On top of all the valuable lessons mentioned above, the author has also prepared a lot of interesting annexes to help you say your first business prayer. You’ll learn many examples of prayers—confession, gratitude, and adoration prayers—that you can use to invite G-d’s blessing in your personal and professional life.

Prayer Sheet

Last but not least, this book also has a prayer sheet that you can use as a framework for your career or business prayer. It includes all the 4 different prayers taught to you in this book. And it should help you successfully make prayers part of your daily life.

This Book Is Not…

  • Another motivational book that aims to only motivate you and keep you excited for a few days, before you go back to your old self
  • A book I wrote to become a best-selling author and make a bunch of money
  • For the faint-hearted who aren’t serious about creating the success they want.
  • For the non-believers who wish they could learn a thing or two from this book

This Book Is…

  • A call to action for those who want to start their prayer adventure and develop a stronger connection with the Lord… all while achieving true success in life.
  • A practical guide to creating a communication channel with divinity and tapping into the abundance and enormous potential that G-d has prepared for you.
  • An answer for people who believe in G-d but feel like they’ve been left alone when they need His help the most.
  • For believers who’re longing for the Lord’s presence in their life.

How does this book differ from other prayer books?

There are certainly many books out there that cover more biblical teachings and dig deeper into the methodology of praying. This book is not that kind of book. It is specifically a practical guide on prayer for a successful career or business.

If you’re looking for prayer methodology or religious teachings, then maybe this book isn’t right for you.

The author of this book is an executive, not a religious teacher. He understands all the challenges that you’re dealing with. And what you’ll learn from this book is his own personal prayer methodology that he practices every day.

All the lessons and the tools you’ll find in this book were designed to help you achieve professional success. And you do that by connecting with G-d through daily prayers.

If you turn your life over to him… and if you trust his way… success will follow

In today’s success-drunk culture, it’s easy to get lost in the never-ending pursuit of success that pulls us away from our heavenly Father. You can end up feeling lonely and tired, without even getting close to achieving your goals.

Instead of pushing yourself harder and harder, don’t you think it would be better to ask G-d to bless us to be successful in our endeavors because he is a good, good Father?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking our Lord for success and prosperity. However, we must first show Him that we’re worthy to achieve and be successful.

This book was written to show you how to do that.

If you turn your life over to him… and if you trust his way… success will follow

Hello there!

I’m Josh Galusher, the author of this book.

I’ve been a business executive for over 25 years. From the outside, my life might seem perfect. It’s true, I have a good career and a happy family.

But it has been a long road to get here with many obstacles. I’ve crossed paths with every roadblock you can imagine.

I’ve found myself stuck in a dying industry and even at one point had to let go of over half of my best employees.

Fortunately, no matter how hard life hits me, I’m always able to move past the obstacles and get back on my feet.

I’m not a special person, by any means.

Prayer helped me to break all those obstacles. I was only able to become who I am today because of G-d’s blessings.

This book is my attempt to share with you the spiritual wisdom and strategies I’ve learned over the last few decades. My sincere hope is that you’ll find it useful and that I can help you get closer to G-d.

Yours truly,
Josh Galusher

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Because I don't want price to be an issue. I believe in sharing both knowledge and money. I believe that's the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness.

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